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  PPL utilizes only six (6) data types.  PPL version 1.0 does not support
  floating point variables (interger math only).  The syntax for
  declaring data types for variables is:

   type var[(dim[,dim[,dim]])][,var...]

    type = the particular data type declaration as shown below.

  BOOLEAN - Unsigned character (1 byte), 0 = FALSE, non-0 = TRUE
  DATE    - Unsigned integer (2 bytes), PCBoard julian date
            (count of days since 1/1/1900)
  INTEGER - Signed long integer (4 bytes), -2,147,483,648 - +2,147,483,647
  MONEY   - Signed long integer (4 bytes), -$21,474,836.48 - +$21,474,836.47
  STRING  - Far character pointer (4 bytes), NULL is an empty string;
            non-NULL points to a string of some length less than or equal
            to 256.
  TIME    - Signed long integer (4 bytes), count of seconds since midnight

  Any type may be assigned to any other type.  This is the simplest way
  to accomplish type conversion.  BOOLEAN, DATE, INTEGER, MONEY and TIME
  are all integer types and may be assigned to each other.  Assignment
  from a larger data type to a smaller data type automatically converts
  the data to a format suitable for the smaller data type.  Conversion to
  and from STRINGs is dependent on the other data type.  DATEs are
  imported/exported as "MM-DD-YY".  TIMEs are imported/exported as
  "HH:MM:SS".  MONEYs are imported/exported as "#.##" without embedded
  dollar signs or commas, and using as many characters as needed to the
  left of the decimal point.  All variables must be declared before use.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson